Show Notes
If the Jewish people are G-d’s ambassadors on earth, how does that affect how we act and how other people see us? Discover what being G-d’s ambassador truly means, and recognize that somebody’s keeping an eye on you wherever you go.
If the Jewish people are G-d’s ambassadors on earth, how does that affect how we act and how other people see us? Discover what being G-d’s ambassador truly means, and recognize that somebody’s keeping an eye on you wherever you go.
July 25, 2022
Are you lonely? This lecture was delivered at the 14th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat,...
October 24, 2022
Do thoughts really impact reality? Explore the power of positivity in this exploration of the expression, "Tracht Gut Vet Zein Gut", Think good and...
March 08, 2021
Often the Torah description of events, timing and location can vary greatly from that of historical reports and discussion. How can these differing views...